Legislative Bill Tracker
Sacramento EdTracker
Following key developments on education legislation
from Sacramento so you don’t have to
Public Scholl Health Care Centers
Bonds: School/Community College Districts
Pupil: Suspension/Explusion with Bullying
School Employees: Dismissal or Suspension
Pupil Disipline: Suspensions: Willful Defiance
Pupil Assessments: CalMAPP21
Pupil: Transgender Rights in School Activities
Teacher Credentialing
Ed Funding: Adult Health and Safety Ed
Pupil Assessment: Grade Levels Assessed
Pupil Instruction: Mental Health Instruction
Schools: Parental Rep in Fiscal Decisions
Pupils: Involuntary Transfer: Schools
Status Key
Status Key
Bill Introduced
Two-Year Bill
Governor Signed into Law
In Assembly
Passed Assembly
In Senate
Passed Senate
Waiting on Governor
Governor Vetoed