As the umbrella organization for ALL of Alameda's Parent Teacher Associations - we operate as part of the Peralta PTA District & support the mission of the California State PTA

Executive Board 2023-2024

President: Gabriela Badilla (

VP Advocacy: Open (

VP DEI: Cynthia Park (

Treasurer: Neil Dandavati (

Secretary:Nicole Scatolini (

Historian: Open (

Parliamentarian: Kristan LaVietes (

Reflection chair: Liz Sparber (


Family Enrichment and Parent Ed Programs 

Events and workshops that support Alameda's families in their journey through school and child development stages. Learn more about these free programs.

Alameda Special Education Family Support Group

ASPEDFamilies strives to support our families and promote communication within the Alameda community. Find out about ASPEDFSG meetings and events.