Legislation & Advocacy
2014 Election is 2014. PTA Units are encouraged to advocate on behalf of Children and Families. While PTA Unit's can not endorse a candidate, PTA's can host and participate in candidate forums to learn more about local issues and candidates. The PTA Council works with the community to host a School Board Candidates Forum each election cycle. More information on this event will be posted soon.
Other Election dates/forums to be aware of:
n Thursday, September 18
§ Alamedean/Alameda Sun Forum: City Council/Mayor-The citycandidate forum will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Regina K. Stafford Room in the Main Library, 1550 Oak Street.
n Saturday, September 20
§ Alamedean/Alameda Sun Forum: school board candidates from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.on in the multipurpose room at Maya Lin School, 825 Taylor Avenue.If you’re coming, please RSVP on The Alamedan’s Facebook page.
n Thursday, September 25, 2014
§ First Day to Mail Voter Information Pamphlets for the November 4, 2014 General Election
n THU, OCT 2, 7-9 PM:
§ Ballot Measure Pros and Cons. Includes state and local measures, including Measure B and Measure I (the AUSD bond issue) LWV- League of Women Voters: All four evening forums will be at the Mastick Senior Center Social Hall, 1155 Santa Clara Avenue in Alameda.
n Monday, October 6, 2014
§ First Day of Mailing Vote By Mail Ballots and Early Voting for the November 4, 2014 General Election
n WED, OCT 8, 7-9 PM:
§ Assembly District 18 and City of Alameda Health Care District BoardCandidates- LWV- League of Women Voters: All four evening forums will be at the Mastick Senior Center Social Hall, 1155 Santa Clara Avenue in Alameda.
n THU, OCT 9, 7-9 PM:
§ Alameda City Council and Mayoral Candidates- LWV- League of Women Voters: All four evening forums will be at the Mastick Senior Center Social Hall, 1155 Santa Clara Avenue in Alameda.
n THU, OCT 16, 7-9 PM:
AUSD Board of Trustees and Alameda County Superintendent of Schools Candidates- LWV- League of Women Voters: All four evening forums will be at the Mastick Senior Center Social
Hall, 1155 Santa Clara Avenue in Alameda.
n Monday, October 20, 2014.
§ The last day to register to vote (or to re-register if you moved or changed your status)
You can also follow Legislative Bills through the CA PTA Bill Tracker below.